Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙③
J GROUPでは、ミャンマーの難民の子供たちへ生活費や授業料の支援を行っています。この支援を受けた子供たちからは、生活や学習に対する考え方がどのように変わったか、また近況について、子供たちからいただいた手紙の内容を掲載していきます。
<Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙>
This month has been quite busy, with many academic and extracurricular activities. I am excited to explain how these experiences have helped my personal and professional development. At the same time, I’d like to raise awareness of the current terrible situation in Myanmar.
I have completed the first midterm examination for the fisrt semester of my third year academic. I was satisfied with the results of all the courses that I took except for the Pharmacy course which was very challenging for me. Overall, the result of the midterm exam was satisfactory.
This month, I also participated in the virtual online panel event “Disaster Resilience for Myanmar’s Vulnerable Populations” hosted by EHS Myanmar. This was a wonderful and eye-opening experience. I received great insights into the complicated challenges that disaster-affected communities go through, as well as a better understanding of the issues that vulnerable groups face. Furthermore, I learned how to assess risk and manage disaster risk from this event.
今月は、EHS Myanmar主催の「ミャンマーの脆弱な人々への災害対応力」というオンラインパネルイベントにも参加しました。これは素晴らしい経験で、災害を受けたコミュニティが直面する複雑な課題や、脆弱なグループが抱える問題について深い洞察を得ることができました。さらに、このイベントを通じてリスク評価や災害リスク管理についても学びました。
In addition to my academic and social engagements, I was actively involved in the “Small Grants Opportunity for Youth in Tak Province!” on the topic of entrepreneurship and Financial literacy. The objectives of our project are:
Objective 1: To address community needs and minimize unemployment by emphasizing the importance of youth empowerment and supporting self-employment and entrepreneurship.
Objective 2: To educate young people on the need and necessity of being familiar with entrepreneurial concepts in today’s rapidly changing environment.
Objective 3: Create an environment in which young people may freely express their creativity, promote positive social change, and set ambitious objectives while emphasizing the effort required to succeed.
My team was one of the groups that were selected to win the grants. Therefore, in the next months, we will have to attend the 3 days for grand opening orientation workshops which the workshop will teach PSEA and Safeguarding risk assessment, project cycle management, and M&E and financial management before we start our project on December 8th to 9th. This hands-on experience will enable me to apply my skills and knowledge to real-world problems and make a good contribution to my community.
- 青年のエンパワーメントを通じて自己雇用と起業支援を行い、地域のニーズに応えると共に失業を減らすこと。
- 変化の激しい現代社会において、起業家精神に親しむことの必要性を若者に教育すること。
- 若者が創造性を自由に発揮し、社会に良い変化をもたらしながら、成功に向けた努力を重視する環境を作ること。
Despite my incredible experiences and accomplishments, I am deeply sorrowful to speak out about my country’s current situation. Even though the polity conflict wasn’t new that had occurred in Myanmar, the case that happened on October 20th in Butalin township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division was one of the inhumane. It is becoming increasingly tough to survive in Myanmar every day. For the majority of people, life in Myanmar has become bleak and pointless. There is no justice or safety for the Myanmar citizens. I hope that all of the violence and conflict will soon come to an end, that Myanmar will soon become truly democratic, and that everyone will be able to live and learn in peace and happiness.
Even though my country is experiencing uncertainty and hardship, I am making an effort to balance my academic endeavors with community service and personal development. Additionally, I’ll keep looking for chances to grow, help, and positively influence my community.
画像提供: BBC