Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙①
J GROUPでは、ミャンマーの難民の子供たちへ生活費や授業料の支援を行っています。この支援を受けた子供たちからは、生活や学習に対する考え方がどのように変わったか、また近況について、子供たちからいただいた手紙の内容を掲載していきます。
<Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙>
Growing up in the Thai-Myanmar border region, I experienced the challenges of how difficult it was for migrant people to access higher education or job opportunities. Since I was young, I’ve always dreamed of pursuing higher education because education is the foundation of developing essential life skills that can improve not just our own lives but also the communities where we live. However, this dream seems unattainable for many young people in my community because of financial difficulties.

Attending Mae Fah Luang University has been an incredible learning experience for me. I have learned new cultures and connected with students from diverse backgrounds. At Mae Fah Luang University, there are a lot of activities, clubs, and programs for the students to participate, in and learn. I had a chance to help my professor last semester with a community survey on PM 2.5 among Myanmar laborers who are currently working in Thailand. These opportunities bring me self-development and growth in skill and knowledge. I’ve become more outgoing and involved in various activities and social groups in the past two years. These allowed me to explore new things not just only in my studies field but also in many different areas.

昨年、私は「Research to Market 2023」に参加し、イノベーションや起業に関する様々なアイデアを探求する機会がありました。多くの他大学の学生が参加するブートキャンプに、私はミャンマー出身の学生として初めて選ばれ、参加しました。この経験は非常に興味深く、ビジネスについて学び、それが地域社会にどのような影響を与えるかを理解する素晴らしい機会となりました。タイには、多くの学ぶ意欲のある人々にとって多くの機会がある一方で、ミャンマーの若者たちは、現在進行中の危機のため、さらに教育を受けたり、キャリアを選択したりすることができない状況にあります。一方、近隣の国々では、若者たちが自分の分野を追求するための十分な支援を受けている場合もあります。
Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in Research to Market 2023 and explore various ideas on innovation and entrepreneurship. Selected students from many other universities were participants in the Bootcamp and I am the only and first Myanmar student who got a chance to participate in it. I found it interesting and it was a great opportunity for me to learn about the business and understand how business impacts the community. In Thailand, there is a lot of opportunity for Thai people, especially for those eager to learn to improve their lives. Conversely, I thought of the young people in Myanmar, where some are still unable to pursue further education or choose their career paths due to the ongoing crisis while some neighbors have a chance and full support to explore their fields.

Due to the country’s political, social, and economic instability in Myanmar has resulted in a sharp rise in the number of Myanmar students attending Mae Fah Luang University over the last three years. Although we (the students from Myanmar) come from different ethnic and religions, we all share similar difficulties and challenging situations. Over 70% of all international students at Mae Fah Luang University are currently from Myanmar, the second-largest student population behind Thai nationals in Mae Fah Luang University.

Many students from Myanmar who are currently attending MFU used to study at famous Universities in Myanmar such as the University of Medicine in Mandalay and Rangoon University. Some had progressed as far as their second or third year when the confluence of crises, including economic hardship, social unrest, and political instability, caused them to be unable to complete their degree. Therefore, studying abroad was one of their biggest dreams to pursue their goal. However, the ongoing conflict has had a devastating impact on Myanmar’s economy, leading to a sharp decline in growth, increased poverty, and widespread economic hardship. Many students here are struggling with financial issues. Many are trying to support themselves, even though it’s very difficult because of the high prices and bad economy in Myanmar. MFU provides some scholarships, such as the Excellent Students Scholarship for International Students, however, they are not sufficient to support all students who achieve academic success. Financial hardships still seem to be a barrier to some students finishing their education.
私は「Child’s Dream奨学金」の受給者として、経済的なストレスを感じることなく学業に専念し、自分の興味を追求することができています。しかし、私のクラスメートや友人の多くが、学業において経済的な困難に直面していることを知っています。すべての人が教育を受ける機会と基本的な権利を持てることを願っています。メーファールアン大学で教育を続ける機会を得たことに心から感謝しています。皆さんの支援のおかげで、私は大学に通うだけでなく、今日の私を形作ってくれた無数の機会に恵まれました。キャリアや教育の機会への平等なアクセスが、人々の潜在能力を引き出し、地域社会に意味ある貢献をもたらすと信じています。
As a Child’s Dream Scholarship recipient, I’ve been able to focus on my studies and pursue my interests without financial stress. However, I’m aware that many of my classmates and friends face financial difficulties in their academic pursuits. I hope everyone has the opportunity and basic right to education. I’m grateful for the chance to continue my education at Mae Fah Luang University. Your support has not only enabled me to attend university but has also opened doors to countless opportunities that have influenced me into who I am today. I believe that Equal access to career opportunities and educational opportunities will enable people to realize their potential and make a meaningful contribution to the community.