Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙②
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<Nan Yin Htayさんからの手紙>
This month has been particularly challenging for Myanmar, Thailand, and neighboring countries due to flooding caused by the Southwest Monsoon. Flooding is becoming more serious in Southeast Asia, especially in Myanmar and Chiang Rai, Thailand. During the flood many households were drowned, roads were closed and many infrastructure was destroyed. As a university student from Myanmar studying in Chiang Rai, I am deeply concerned about the impact of these floods on the communities surrounding me, both here in Thailand and back home in Myanmar.
During the flood Mae Fah Luang University announced to continue study online throughout the crisis period since water prevented some of the professors, instructors, and students who resided in Chaing Rai from doing their coursework on-site. People who lived near the river needed to evacuate with the help of rescue teams. The Thai government, community leaders, and Mae Fah Luang University provided food and shelter to people suffering from the flood. According to the Bangkok Post, “more than 10,000 families have been impacted, with three deaths reported in Mae Fah Luang” (12 SEP, 2024). During that time, I spent a weekend volunteering at Mae Fah Luang University’s Scientific Equipment Center to make cleaning solutions for the communities impacted by the floods.
The River level was dropping and some roads that had been badly flooded were back to normal in a week. Local authorities are working in collaboration with the military and NGOs to distribute relief supplies such as food, water, and medical aid. On Sep 20, professors for the School of Health Science and 40 students from Public Health including me were volunteers in the community that was affected by the flooding, we went to the flood-affected area to assist with packing supplies and cleaning. The flooding situation in Thailand is gradually improving.
On the other hand, Myanmar’s flooding situation is problematic. Heavy monsoon rains and Typhoon Yagi caused terrible flooding in Myanmar, affecting more than a million people. Floods have caused substantial loss of life, property damage, and disruptions to livelihoods. Due to ongoing conflicts over politics, the administration has taken longer to address the concerns of flood-affected districts. Despite their limited resources, community organizations, and local leaders have stepped in to assist in some areas. However, restrictions on humanitarian organizations have made it more difficult for Myanmar to acquire international assistance, which is critical for flood relief efforts. As a result, many at-risk populations today lack sufficient access to food, shelter, and medical care. Myanmar is now experiencing many challenges, including political instability, economic hardship, and natural disasters. People in Myanmar are living with a tough time for a half-decade.
As a Myanmar citizen, I have witnessed the terrible situation that Myanmar citizens have faced, my heart felt so painful in this situation but more painful than this I could not do anything to change things and control the situation. I would like to raise awareness about the situation in Myanmar to the world. I would love to write this article to all of the donors and leaders worldwide acknowledging the situation in Myanmar and Thailand. Your support would be necessary in helping the areas affected by flooding and in providing relief to those impacted by the ongoing conflicts in Myanmar.
国連ミャンマー事務所(2024年9月27日)「ミャンマー:洪水状況報告書 #3、2024年9月27日」